Monday, September 11, 2006


If you haven't already heard, I bought a 95 year old house in Saratoga Springs, NY and I've been working on it all summer. This past weekend Eric and I finished finished stripping and hand sanding the floors and began applying polyurethane and they look fantastic!!!


Gabriel Florit said...

That looks fantastic! I'll have to stop by before I leave.

Kristina said...

Yay for Sue joining the blog world! I am going to go right now and link your blog to mine.

Christine said...

Hi Sue, The floors look awesome and congrats on your first tri. I'm hoping for next year. Of course, it's nearing the end of the season and I'm motivated. Let's see how the winter treats me.

Ok, this computer is annoying me, I've tried this like five times!

Kristina said...

Sue, pssst, you need a new post.

Gabriel Florit said...

hey sue pants, how about a new post.